Feb 19Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

This one found me & reached me right where I am, which feels like a space similar to the one you write of. Thank you always for your words that crack my heart & brain open for me to see more clearly 🤍

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Feb 19Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

"Instead of working to get rid of these habits I just fill my hours with more companion" yes yes god I love you

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"I assured her that the beach would never run out of rocks" — for some reason, this felt so big. I read the words and thought of all the things I imagine scarcity where there is none: laughter, friendship, softness, love, kindness, joy (a big one for me at the moment). Life will never run out of these things, but sometimes I forget that. The connection to your statement is tenuous and yet substantial in my mind.

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Feb 20Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Cody, you’re amazing and cool and a safe place for me to land, in my vulnerability, as I bear witness to yours. As I continue to learn to write without fear, as I continue to try to hold space for my ever changing self, the fluidity of which I am learning to be comfortable in, I am grateful for the space you create on here. I’m honored to be able to occupy this moment in time with you.

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Feb 19Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

I am feeling this & you. The companionship piece so essential & that we can be our own companion by our choices. Wow. Needed that more than words can say.

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"right now is plenty of time" yes to the impermanence factor of companionship in all forms! Beautiful and insightful words in this essay, Cody!

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Feb 20Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

“Have been contemplating the word companionship all day? A great way to start the week and stay curious about all the different modules habits humans I find comfort and enjoyment- is that companionship?

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Feb 19Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

this is all so beautiful. thank you.

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Feb 19Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Free of expectation as to how long they will last, now is plenty of time. It is. It's embracing the ebb and flow now isn't it. Gorgeous piece.

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Feb 19Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Thank you always for the words and writing, Cody. I’m especially leaving thinking about the companionship with things and habits that fuels me — with candles, with Adrienne and yoga on the same rug in front of the fire place, with my pen and journal. I like the experiment of thinking of them as friends, rather than something I should do.

As a black and white phone devotee, I also want to make sure you know about accessibility shortcuts! Sometimes you just need color on your phone — it’s hard to read maps in black and white especially. If you have an iPhone, search for accessibility shortcuts. You can make it so you can turn your phone to color and back again by clicking three times. It’s help me stick to black and white, which is so much easier better for my eyeballs! I hope it helps you, too. 💕

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Feb 24Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Omg the dance with Cody and Howie was so sweet to watch. The music was so perfectly silly ✨✨✨

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Feb 23Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Cody, I just think you should know that your words are a constant thrumming in my cyclical process of "recentering" after I inevitably weave myself so far away every few weeks. Especially today, but always, Monday Monday is a companion of mine. That's all I can really think to say about it but THX.


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