This favorite quote from Eduardo Galeano comes to mind. He is talking about "utopia" I guess, but substitute that with what ... understanding ourselves? Figuring out our purpose? Whichever....
“She’s on the horizon ... I go two steps, she moves two steps away. I walk ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps ahead. No matter how much I walk, I’ll never reach her. What good is utopia? That’s what: it’s good for walking.” — Eduardo Galeano
Keep walking, Mar. We like walking with you. It's good for all of us!
"But I find the experience of having interwoven so much of my personal self into the practical essence of my job has created very little barrier between my spirit and my offerings." WHY HELLO IT ME
This favorite quote from Eduardo Galeano comes to mind. He is talking about "utopia" I guess, but substitute that with what ... understanding ourselves? Figuring out our purpose? Whichever....
“She’s on the horizon ... I go two steps, she moves two steps away. I walk ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps ahead. No matter how much I walk, I’ll never reach her. What good is utopia? That’s what: it’s good for walking.” — Eduardo Galeano
Keep walking, Mar. We like walking with you. It's good for all of us!
"sometimes the in between is just where we are for a long time." This. 🙏🏻
"But I find the experience of having interwoven so much of my personal self into the practical essence of my job has created very little barrier between my spirit and my offerings." WHY HELLO IT ME
"Leaving you was easy, now I gotta do what's hard: I gotta stay away" -MUNA