Jun 10Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott


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thank you thank you thank you. i am 58 and in the same boat. what am i here for? why is finding love so hard! i was with my husband for 25 years, had a kid, raised them, and then, all of the sudden, it seemed, i could not stay in my sweet life a moment longer. it was an amicable parting and we are still friends and now i have been 8 years single! wait! what? how?!? and yet, i often love my solitary state sooo much. ( also, a dog definitely helps) and i share so many questions. am i here for love? how in the world could it ever even happen? i love my kiddo, my life, my work, my home, dance (i am a dancer too, so i get that too!) (oh, and iā€™m non-binary too) and yet, always, these questions. is this what i want? all of this solitude? will i ever have a partner again? and all i can say is, i am here with you, and i think maybe there are more of us than we know. sending love from this part of the path. i so appreciate hearing about your journey. it is good to feel less alone. ā¤ļø

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Jun 10Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Yay Portland! Welcome! Enjoy the hotties at the grocery store. Hope you get to walk on Mt Tabor and swim in a river šŸ˜Ž

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<3 Also, hi and welcome to Portland! Or welcome back? Either way, glad you're here for however long you stay!

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ā€œEveryone at the grocery store was hot and it startled me.ā€ hahahaha

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absolutely obsessed with YNAB, and yes to decorating the budget w emojis! hmm should I be teaching budgeting for freaks???

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I just started using YNAB too and have found it very confusing so far. I want to make it work but feel like I need to take a class to understand some of the functions.

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I had a similar experience of being startled by the hotness of people in Portland. Maybe thereā€™s something in the pollen there.

I didnā€™t realize I had been thinking about the idea of not being here for love until you put words to it (thank you for that). Sometimes it feels easy and sometimes it feels hard.

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