Jun 24Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

A true honor to be your dead mouse pep talk friend 😝

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Jun 24Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

Cindy Crabb, as in the writer of my all-time favorite zine, Doris?! If so, I'm fangirling!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Author

It’s simply true Hurley. The literal root of why I publish personal essays :) Pinch 23 year old me cuz they can’t believe it!

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Jun 24Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

I laughed out loud in full recognition to " while I gloved up, got tongs, squinted my eyes so I couldn’t totally see what I was doing, and put the mouse in a trash bag. " ESPECIALLY the "squinted my eyes so I couldn't totally see what I was doing" But no mention of feeling like you wanted to throw up, so kudos for that!!

And for some people, quilting inside in the A/C might be just the escape/relief activity for too hot summer days. I hope the quilt weekend is a great success for all!

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Cindy Crabb! Amazing. You are such a truly great host and facilitator Cody. So excited for all these folks to get to enter your home and creative ecosystem while they work on their own creative endeavors. For you all to feed off each other, and all of us readers to be inspired by it all as well 💛

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Jun 25Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

I’m excited for all of you! And a little jealous, but mostly happy. ;)

Also, I have a 6-year-old kid named Cedar!

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Jun 24Liked by Cody Cook-Parrott

"I am reminded that my role in the ecosystem of liberation and change isn’t always on the front lines or shouting from the rooftops, but it is providing a quiet sanctuary to the artists and writers and flower farmers who need the solitude from their daily lives to dig into their radical practice. This part of the web is so important to me."

And thank goodness there are humans like you tending to this part of the web! LOVE LOVE LOVE.

PS: Every where I've lived – rural or city – I've cohabitated with mice (and had to reduce the indoor mice population at some point.) Normalizing it all.

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"reduce the indoor mouse population" is such a beautiful reframe thank you <3

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